Open Scenario System for Interactive Application
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CvalueHolds all ossia parameters typed values
 Ccallback_indexThe callback_index struct holds callbacks for adding listeners to parameters' values
 CnodeHolds all ossia nodes and their std::optional parameters
 Coscquery_serverAllows to create a local OSCQuery server
 Coscquery_mirrorAllows to create a mirror image of a remote OSCQuery server
 CsenderThe sender class
 ClistenerThe listener class
 CreceiverThe receiver class
 CcontextIf using the library, you should create this class at some point
 Ccallback_containerThe callback_container class
 CpairA most simple pair type, to reduce binary bloat
 Cenum_mapA container useful for mapping contiguous enums to strings without using too much memory
 Clocked_containerThread-safe read-only reference to a container
 Ccurve_abstractThe curve_abstract class
 Cexecution_errorThe execution_error class
 Cinvalid_access_errorThe invalid_access_error struct
 Ctime_eventThe time_event class
 Ctime_intervalThe time_interval class
 Ctime_processThe time_process class
 Ctime_sync#time_sync is use to describe temporal structure to synchronize each attached #time_event evaluation
 Ctime_valueThe time_value class
 Cflat_set_stateThe flat_state class
 CmessageThe message struct
 CstateThe state class
 Cwebsocket_log_sinkA sink to use with spdlog, that will send its log messages over websockets
 Cwebsocket_heartbeatSends websocket "alive" messages at regular intervals
 Cmerger_implMerge ///
 Cdomain_value_set_creation_visitorThe domain_value_set_creation_visitor struct
 CdomainDomain A domain of values
 Cparse_errorThe parse_error class
 Cconnection_errorThe connection_error class
 Cinvalid_node_errorThe invalid_node_error class
 Cnode_not_found_errorUsed when a requested node could not be found
 Cbad_request_errorUsed when a bad network request is done on a local server
 Cinvalid_value_type_errorThe invalid_value_type_error class
 CvalueThe value class
 Nregex_pathUtilities to construct regexes to validate paths
 NtraversalUtilities to construct classes that will perform an action for nodes matching a path